April 30, 2011

The Aftermath of Lying

Author's Note-- This is my second response to the movie, The Truman Show. I wrote this poem having the idea of what the person lying might feel like, but it is the exact opposite of what the producer of the show was feeling because he had no guilt and just wanted to please the rest of the human race. See what you think about this.

Lies, tearing us up inside
Squeezing us till we feel the pressure
Like a snake slowly squeezing your neck tighter.
The fear of the truth not been understood
The lies weaving their way in to every persons mind.
Your mind slowly giving way to the pressure-
The pressure slowly increasing.
Lies, Truth been twisted and distorted
Lies, The evil of our kind;
Truth the good of our kind
Don’t let lies over run-
Speak the truth.

April 26, 2011

Invisions of Lying

The movie The Truman Show related a lot to the novel that our group is reading - The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon. In both literatures, the main character was getting lied to. Each story had a different way of getting across this one major question - is lying okay?

In some situations, lying is not such a bad thing. For example, when you are a little kid and your parents always tell you that Santa Claus is real, you're going to believe them because your parents are your parents and you trust them. The only purpose for lying to people then is the idea of imagination. With an imagination, life is so much more creative, and thus, makes it much more interesting for all ages.

Although lying is sometimes okay, other times, not so much. When it comes to more serious matters like committing a crime or such things, telling the truth is the best way to go along solving the situation. Lying in those scenarios will only get you in more trouble.

In The Truman Show, the main character named Truman was being controlled by producers from a television show. All the way from birth, he was being lied to about every single thing that made any bit of impact on his life. Even his best friend that he's known for what seems like forever lies to him. Since everybody around him knows that he's live on television except for himself, he has nobody to turn to for advice or support or anything for that matter; not even his parents because they gave him up for adoption before his first birthday even came around.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime was similar in a way, but the way the author had explained it came across in a different way. The main character's name was Christopher, and he was an autistic child. One of his mottos of life was 'no lying', and if anybody broke that motto and he found out about it, he would not be the happiest kid. Christopher had a good outlook on life, and just because he was autistic, everybody thought that they could get away with lying to him because they had the assumption that he was stupid just because he had a disability. That's not true. I would have to say that Christopher was one smart kid.

Lying can be used for different purposes. Each story had a different purpose of why lying was used, and both had pros and cons in the ways that they had told those stories. Both literatures had very good reasons about when and when not to lie, and I think that since we have witnessed these situations, maybe it'll make us think twice about how often we lie or in what situations we do.

April 4, 2011

The Player

Author's Note-- This is an emulation of Lewis Carroll's poem called The Crocodile. The reason that I chose this poem is because it was silly and fun, which totally relates to me; but another reason is because it was difficult for me to make my own version of, and I wanted more of a challenge. Leave comments! :)

This is the author's original poem called The Crocodile.

How doth the little crocodile

Improve his shining tail,

And pour the waters of the Nile

On every golden scale!

How cheerfully he seems to grin!

How neatly spread his claws,

And welcomes little fishes in

With gently smiling jaws!


And this is my version of it, called The Player.

How do the hard working improvements

Show off her stellar skill,

And analyze all of the movements

On every coach's drill!

How intensely she seems to work!

How gently shoots the ball,

And obtains in each jealous smirk

With hopeful good thoughts from all!

March 15, 2011

Maturing So Much and So Fast

There's music blasting in my ears, one of my best friends sitting next to me, two annoying little kids sitting behind us kicking our chairs, and a laptop sitting on my lap in the car ride up to the Dells for our last basketball tournament before the State tournament. Each and every year all of the girls Pewaukee select basketball teams go up to Wisconsin Dells for a basketball tournament against teams from all over the place, and every year the memories grow and we become closer as a team.

Mount Olympus is the hotel that we have stayed at the last three years. I wouldn't say that it was my favorite place to go, and same with my team; it's rather boring. But this year is going to be different. We are staying at the Wilderness, which may possibly be the biggest hotel in the city with the biggest water parks, and the wildest arcade. With a team of eight crazy, energetic eighth grade girls running around the place, what could be better? As this being our last year together, we need to make the most out of this weekend in the best ways possible.

It seems like we are all maturing so much, and so quickly. I remember back in fifth grade when all of our team could barely dribble the ball, and our shooting form was absolutely horrendous. Now, we fly around the court acting like professionals and showing up all of the teams that dare to stand up against us. Not only have we progressed as players, but also as a team. There are so many great accomplishments that we have had throughout the years, and in high school its going to seem so different. We won't have the experiences like we did in elementary and middle school basketball, and the playing style will be so much different.

Next year when it comes time for tryouts, our team is going to be split up. Some on freshmen, some on junior varsity, and possibly even one or two on varsity as freshmen. The teams won't be the same, because the eight of us will be split up after all we've been through, and its probable that new friendships will be made and some hearts will be broken. Another thing that will really be different is the fact that we will be coached by a different person, other than the one that we have grown close to since fifth grade. All of these things will bring harder challenges than we've ever had to face before.

So now as I am writing this piece, all I can think about is how psyched I am to get together with everyone and make some new memories. High school seems so far away, yet it's so close, and we must be prepared for what lies ahead. Take in what you can while you have the time, and don't take anything for granted. Make the best out of the little things, because sometimes the little things are what make the big differences in the future.

January 3, 2011


Author's Note-- This is my piece from the art museum. The piece was Bell's Bar Weightlifter in the American Collection in the 1950's. My inspiration was how our coach for soccer and basketball pushes us so hard, and it seems like there is a bar sitting on our shoulders that we need to hold up and keep going our strongest. He is so intense, and it always feels like the bar keeps getting heavier and heavier. This poem is what I got out of this inspiration.

Have to keep going,
Not looking back.
Have to show Coach my strength,
Have to get my game back on track.
Never giving up
Never giving in
to the pain in my heart,
or the cuts deep within.
Staying strong
even though it stings.
And though unstable,
I’m still able,
To make this game mine.

June 3, 2010

A Way to Think About it

Author's Note: I was watching a television show with my brother, and I sat down at the computer once the show was over and came up with this from the show. It really made me think about how it would change me and what the people on the show feel at the moment.

This is a very random piece about something that I noticed from a television show, but it really touched me. A little over a week ago, I watched the Biggest Loser finale. Surprisingly, it was a really touching thing to watch. It make me think about how I should be happy with my life, because the contestants on the show had a horrible life before they got a one in a million chance to change it.

Each of the contestants who got eliminated earlier in the game got a chance to come back and win the “Lose It at Home” prize money. When the people who lost the least percentage of weight went home, I thought to myself, Okay now how are they going to make the big change at home by themselves? Once I saw them at the finale, it really surprised me. Most people would have just gone back to their old lifestyles how they used to live at home, but they actually brought back home their newly-learned skills from the ranch and used it to help their whole entire family.

All of the contestants came back to the finale to strut their new styles and bodies. Even I could tell that every single person had changed and was ready to take on new challenges in life. The family that was living with them must have been really proud of them.

My personal favorite person that went home was O’Neal. When he first arrived at the ranch, he got eliminated in the first episode. Each person got a chance to come back for one final swing at the plate, and he definitely deserved it. With such a bad knee injury, he could barely walk up the stairs without falling over or needing assistance. By the time that he went home, by being on the ranch he had learned how to walk up a staircase and was in fact, very swift.

O’Neal was very heavy when he arrived on the first week. I think he might have even been like 384 pounds. At the finale, he looked so great and so much healthier. The rhythm in his step was completely astounding to me; I just could not believe that this was possible in him.

When each of the contestants got a chance to see how much weight they had lost overall, I was totally shocked to see how much different they looked and what they had accomplished – all on their own. Each person said the same exact thing for their speeches at the end – ‘I was just so lucky to be able to get a chance to change my life into something better. I am so proud of myself and hope that everybody else is happy with me too.’

I took those speeches into my perspective, and thought, What if I was one of those overweight people and I got this chance? How would that make me feel? I realized that night, Tuesday, May 26, 2010, that I actually have it good with my life compared to how they started. This situation really got to me deep inside, and I now know not to complain anymore about my problems.