This weekend, we had a basketball tournament at Brookfield Central High School. We played three games total, and inbetween the first and second game, we went to Brookfield Square to eat at the food court. Every time I go to the food court, I go to this place called Nori Japan and it is like some kind of Japanese place and its amazing! It just so happens that they were giving out free samples of their teriyaki chicken, and it was really good, so our whole team was standing in line, waiting to get more chicken. After we all finished ordering our food, we had to wait like two minutes for some guy to make the chicken. We were just standing there, watching this guy make the sacred teriyaki chicken. While the chicken was sizzling on the grill type thing, the guy started to flip his tools that he makes the chicken with and it made this awesome noise and it was almost like he was putting on a show for us! When it was time to put the sauce on the chicken, he would almost throw the sauce up in the air and make it come down all swirly looking and it was so cool.
After we had all finished our chicken, we decided to go shopping with the remainder of our money. The first store that we went to was Pink (Victoria Secret). Except for me and Natalie, everybody else went into PacSun to put on some guys cologne. So, we walked into Pink, and this lady came up to us and told us about a bunch of their sales. In that store, the perfume is so strong, and we walked over to smell all of the different flavors. Natalie found all of the older kinds, and she sprayed them all up into the air to smell them. On one of the bottles, the spray thing was all screwed up and Natalie tried to squirt it up and she accidently shot me in the face with this sweet-smelling perfume and it got in my eyes. I was trying not to scream, but it stung so bad! Then she turned around and saw this really awesome perfume bottle that had one of those things where there is like a cord connecting the bottle to a little spray thing that you can squeeze and the perfume comes out the other end, and she completely fell in love with it! It was so funny. But then Natalie had to go to the bathroom so we had to leave. The bathroom are by the food court and so we met the other girls at the food court and smelled the cologne that they put on. It smelt so good! But then we had to leave to go back to the high school to play our next basketball game.
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