April 20, 2010

Jayla Saw the Keys

Author's Note: I wrote this piece because I realized something: a lot of people enjoy getting revenge, and we like to mess around with our coach, Nick, so I thought that it would be cool to write about what I was thinking.

All of our soccer practices have interesting endings. This one happened to be one of the funniest. Our assistant coach, Nick Magnus, always sets his shoes, car keys, and wallet right out in the open where all of us can see it.

Nick always pulls little mini-pranks on us at practices, and we have thought about getting back at him for a long time. Jayla, one of the funniest and trickiest people on our team, found his keys sitting on the ground and said to Coach Klotz, "Hey, can I set off the alarm on Nick's car?" Obviously he said no, but Jayla is like one of his own daughters almost, so she disobeyed him and said, "Mr. Klotz, you know that I like to annoy people, and I love you, but I can't help myself. I have to do it." She tries to press the button to set off the alarm, and it doesn't work. Even though Jayla is one of the funniest, she is definitely not one of the smartest.

I showed her how to work the car keys to set off the alarm and she pressed the button again. We all immediately start laughing once it starts to beep. The alarm didn't stop until somebody pressed the button again to turn it off. Nick turned around and saw Jayla with his keys and started to chase her to get his keys back. She sprints away as fast as her little legs could take her, and locks herself into Mr. Klotz's car. Somehow Mr. Klotz got ahold of Nick's keys again and turns the alarm off.

Sometimes getting revenge is wrong, but if you handle it the correct way, it can be fun. With Jayla in the situation, everything is fun whether you believe me or not. Just deal with this: revenge is sweet, no matter what anybody else says.


  1. Hehe Jayla IS one of the goofiest people on the team. That was really funny. I like how the piece ended, it was a real punch in the back!

  2. I remember that! That was hilarious. I liked how you turned it into something instead of just telling a story

  3. I like the lesson in this, revenge is sweet when you plan it right and Jayla is hilarious!

  4. This was a funny story. I liked how in the first paragraph you put how Nick left his keys, wallet, and shoes out in the open. It kind of made you wonder what are you guys going to do.

  5. One thing that I thought when I read this: Revenge is a dish best served cold...and with loud noises. And Jayla helps, too. The one thing I saw was that in some places, it switched from past tense to present tense. I think it sounds like it fun to be on your soccer team.

  6. Haha that sounds pretty cool. Even though this is just a little story it sends a deeper message to the reader.

  7. Haha this is do funny and true: Revenge may not be the right thing to do, but it sure is sweet! Nice job I really liked how your intro was.

  8. Aaaahhh, funny Jayla. I can really picture her doing that. Sometimes Nonfiction stories are really hard to write transitions, but I felt that you did a good job. And yes, Revenge is sweet, and no matter how 'good" of a person we are, we do all want it.
