This weekend was absolutely crazy. My parents were in Illinois to spend some time away from me and my brother, so I went to my friend Natalie's house (see "Natalie's House" post for more information!) and my brother went to my grandma and grandpa's house. My friend Jayla had turned thirteen about a month ago, and her mom threw her a surprise party on Saturday. It was one of the funniest things that I have ever done before. First when everybody got there, we were just talking in the lobby waiting for Jayla to show up, and then right when she walked through the front doors, everybody said, "SURPRISE!" and then Jayla said, "Oh is Katelyn behind me?" because her mom told her that this party was for Katelyn to cover it up. Then once she saw Katelyn right in front of her she said, "Wait, is this for me????" and everybody just started cracking up. She is a pretty emotional person, so she started crying happy tears. I ran p to her and hugged her and she started laughing because she could not believe how crazy this was going to be, there were about 28 people invited, but only 20 showed up.
After we were all changed into our swimsuits, we went to the waterpark and swam for like 4 hours. All of

Our game was completed, and we ran out of the pool, and rushed over to get some food. At the table there was french fries, pretzel bites, and nachos waiting for all of the kids to eat them. Jayla and I were like the last ones there, so we didn't end up getting anything to eat or drink, so Mrs. Stokes went and bought even more food. She came out with another plate of nachos and three plates of fries, and those were gone in about ten seconds. Mrs. Stokes told us to go swim for another half hour, and then come back at 7:20 so we could go into the party room. Everybody went into the locker rooms and changed back into our clothes.
Once the party room was ready for us to go into, we rushed to get a seat next to a pizza and eat. The pizza was some of the best pizza I have ever had. After everyone was done eating, we sat down on the floor and ate cake while Jayla was opening presents. I got her a shirt from Aeropostale, and also a black bag with hot pink, electric blue, and neon orange writing on it, which was from Aeropostale too. Right in the middle of when Jayla is opening her fifth gift, Andrew blurts out, "IS THAT A HELIUM BALLOON??????" and Desiree says, "Yeah, why?" Andrew completely spazzes out and pops a hole in one of the balloons, sucked in a bunch of the helium, and then says, "Hey guys!" and his voice got all high and squeaky. He started to sing "One Time" by Justin Bieber because his voice is all high-pitched too, and it was the funniest thing ever. Then Jake took one of the balloons too, but nothing happened to him. Lexi took another balloon, but was afraid that it was bad for you, so Natalie ripped it out of her hands, popped a hole in it, and then sucked in. She then wanted to make sure that it worked, so she said nervously, "Does it work?" and then everybody started laughing so hard that nobody was even paying attention to Jayla anymore. I felt so bad for her at the moment. Then we all had to leave, and it was sad. But the party was probably the most fun birthday party that I have been to in a long time.
Yeah. That was a fun birthday party. One thing that I would say that you might want to change is the vocabulary. There wasn't really any challenging words. I think the format fit great though. Another thing that could be improved upon is that I think that it could have been a little bit more in depth. It kind of left you thinking at some points, wait, what happened. Ohterwise, I think it was cool.