The movie The Truman Show related a lot to the novel that our group is reading - The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon. In both literatures, the main character was getting lied to. Each story had a different way of getting across this one major question - is lying okay?
In some situations, lying is not such a bad thing. For example, when you are a little kid and your parents always tell you that Santa Claus is real, you're going to believe them because your parents are your parents and you trust them. The only purpose for lying to people then is the idea of imagination. With an imagination, life is so much more creative, and thus, makes it much more interesting for all ages.
Although lying is sometimes okay, other times, not so much. When it comes to more serious matters like committing a crime or such things, telling the truth is the best way to go along solving the situation. Lying in those scenarios will only get you in more trouble.
In The Truman Show, the main character named Truman was being controlled by producers from a television show. All the way from birth, he was being lied to about every single thing that made any bit of impact on his life. Even his best friend that he's known for what seems like forever lies to him. Since everybody around him knows that he's live on television except for himself, he has nobody to turn to for advice or support or anything for that matter; not even his parents because they gave him up for adoption before his first birthday even came around.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime was similar in a way, but the way the author had explained it came across in a different way. The main character's name was Christopher, and he was an autistic child. One of his mottos of life was 'no lying', and if anybody broke that motto and he found out about it, he would not be the happiest kid. Christopher had a good outlook on life, and just because he was autistic, everybody thought that they could get away with lying to him because they had the assumption that he was stupid just because he had a disability. That's not true. I would have to say that Christopher was one smart kid.
Lying can be used for different purposes. Each story had a different purpose of why lying was used, and both had pros and cons in the ways that they had told those stories. Both literatures had very good reasons about when and when not to lie, and I think that since we have witnessed these situations, maybe it'll make us think twice about how often we lie or in what situations we do.
This is a very interesting topic, Ally, and reminds me of a conversation I was having yesterday that relates to this a lot. If someone said they were going to do something good, but then did something bad, is that lying? What if it's the other way around and they say they are going to do something bad, but then does something good? is that lying? I see both ways of how lying is wrong and sometimes okay, and you did an excellent job explaining that. Way to go!
ReplyDeleteThis is really well written i like the fact that you combined the two things together I think that, that really helped pull the point across by giving the movie something that was relatively the same but different at the same time. I also like how you pointed out both the bad and the good sides to lying because there are two sides and that is true. i really enjoyed your piece!